Παρασκευή 16 Αυγούστου 2024

SUICIDAL ANGELS - Eternally to Suffer (official play through video)


Possessing nightmares
To feed the sickest dawn
The blackened holes of sickness
They raise up to the throne
What's left in to your brain
Is there a tomb to praise
A left forgotten idol
A last call scream to hail

Hail, hail, hail, now be prepared to die

Choked to the death (x2)
Eternally to suffer

Behold the glory of heavens
Behold the glorious light
Now watch your infants helpless
To fall under the knife
Walk among the trees of death
Your soul prepared to sail
A left forgotten idol
A last call scream to hail

Hail, hail, hail, now be prepared to die

Choked to the death (x2)
Eternally to suffer 

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